Well Whitney,
  I am glad to read your post as I did not know this feeling of impending death
was also an herx. I thought I just felt bad during a herx but the recent heart
involvement scared me mega tons as with my weird dehyrdration, I thought my
heart was surely on it's way out. Too humiliated to go to the emergency room
again after two trips when nutrasweet was dealing me the bad hands. Thanks for
sharing. Arginine in the daytime huh? I use the ornithine at night as it works
for sleep. Anyone try the molybdenum?? 
  Rest of you, I tried the 5-htp and with my brain chemistry , it did a big
number on me it would appear, took several days to react. To be sure, I will
try it again when I am improved in health. Deb    

     Debbie McDonald


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