Whitney -

I just read how the scalp is a very absorbant part of the body, so you
targeted a key area to try your experiment on. You must have an
extremely sensitive system to feel a Herx like that from just what your
did! I know someone *drinking* 32-ounces a day of 43PPM CS and he
doesn't experience any side affects!

I was curious about something: Where did you learn that MSM would help
get CS out of the body?



Hi, folks.

Here's a little story for the files.

I recently bought an elegant little CS maker, designed by one of our
members.  I made a batch of nice amber-colored CS.  Not daring to take
internally for starters, I decided to use it externally, *thinking* that
would be safer.  I have a *terrible* case of itchy, scaly, scalp with
falling-out hair.  Surely something is living there.  So I decided to
the CS on it.  I saturated my head with about 1 to 2 oz. of the stuff
sat down to read my e-mail.  About 1/2 hour later I began to feel *very*
weird.  Sort of cold and light-headed.  Felt like the beginning of my
typical Herx reaction.  Ran to the shower and washed it off, but I was
one of my Herx reactions where I feel like I'm going to faint, dizzy,
like I
can't think straight, and my heart starts flip-flopping, hesitating and
starting up again with a thud.  I have had pretty good luck using
recommendation re Herx:  arginine in daytime, ornithine at night, so I
a bunch of them and they seemed to help, but would keep wearing off, and
be back in the faint feeling.  I also took a bunch of MSM, thinking
maybe it
would get rid of some of the silver and thus cut down the total detox. 
condition of my scalp improved dramatically.  But the whole thing lasted
about two scary, unpleasant days (my typical Herx time) and taught me a

1.  Never underestimate the possibility that a substance (especially
will be absorbed through the skin.

2.  Start with lower doses of CS!

I would really appreciate any comments that would help me understand the
whole experience better.


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