brains wrote:
> Request By Johnny Burton to post this to the lists
> Subject:         The Real Cisco or " Fredrick Botten " of Guam
>    Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1998 05:40:06 +0000
>    From:         Johnny Burton <>
>      To:         Rifers <>
> The all concerned.
>     The below is part of a letter sent to a friend a few weeks ago. It
> concerns Rick
> " Cisco " and his way of life. If you are so incline to donate anything
> for any reason to him I suggest you think twice. I have talked with
> Stanley Truman after his 2 week trip to Guam to visit Cisco. After the
> phone call it was evident I am a
> fool. The following is to let you know what has transpired in the last
> few months between Cisco and I. There is only one reason I would
> announce being so foolish to the world. This is keep it from happening
> to anyone else.
> *****************

Brian, Barbara, Rifers and Silvers --

My first impression of this post was shock.  It was rather difficult for
me to believe that Cisco is or "would be" that kind of person.  Let me
tell you why...

First, I went to various folders that I keep (different topics) and
found many posts by Cisco either replying to Dan Manning or vice versa,
dialogue I have had with him regarding my (recently deceased) friend
with liver cancer, and other posts where he was just reporting on
different methods of treatment - what worked and what didn't.  I can
send them if anyone is interested.  However, all these were done around
the end of May timeframe.  Nothing after that.  If anyone else has had
any correspondence after that it would be interesting to note.

Now when I thought about all of that and the things he said, it made it
difficult to believe he is the type of person that was portrayed in this
post by Johnny Burton (and sent in by Brian in Oz).

One more thing everyone may want to consider...   Guam, Papua, New
Guinea was just swept away by a huge tidal wave and thousands of people
have lost their lives.  I believe the entire country was almost wiped
off the map.  We're talking massive destruction here.

Before we jump to conclusions about what kind of person Cisco might be,
maybe we should consider if he is still alive?

My .02


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