Ok g'day list .......
Cisco is an exmarine who lives on Guam and had a melanoma which
metastasized to his liver ..... in most cases a death sentence ...well
he was told he had 6 months to live 2 years ago so he got on to a Rife
unit and used it also began using CS and having overcome his problem and
knowing that there is a lot of people hurting out there he is helping
all those he can with  the Bare/rife unit, colloidal silver and anything
he can use...... they had a Metussis (whooping cough) outbreak on Guam
and that is why Cisco needed to make gallons of CS ...... and it saved
lives ..they lost a few but saved alot .... better odds than the medicos
(I am biased)he also has been to some of the local islands with his CS
and there is a Rife unit on an island that Cisco arranged for them as
the "third world people " don't have access to the facilities that you
and I have ....... there is a lot more to Cisco but to tell all would
cause problems for him and some others he helps elsewhere... so he has a
big heart and uses it for good .....
      hope this helps some ........

Brian in OZ 



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