Thank you everyone for the smooth running list of the last couple of 
weeks. All your efforts are having an effect on the momentum we're 
feeling. A couple of topics are coming up that might upset some 
folks and I'd like to comment on one of them here...

What I have to say is *for the sake of the skeptics* that we
certainly have on the list, more than anyone else. You're here to
find out about CS. Like me you've heard things that make you think it
could be an effective substance. But what's all this other stuff?

For myself, although I have no personal experience with muscle
testing, I have no problem with it being mentioned or offered as an 
option for those who are interested.

If we were just a bunch of alternative types preaching to the choir
here, there'd be no problem. But, we're reaching people like you who
are *sure* that we must be a bunch of loons for discussing such
bizarre stuff. If this drives you away before you learn what you
wanted to know about CS, then we've hurt you *and* ourselves. 

This is a fear with all of the more unlikely sounding ideas: lunar
influences, aura's and fields, synchrometers, even tried and true
subjects like homeopathy. This week's example is muscle testing.

I try to make it clear that whatever is brought up, we all have the
right to our beliefs and nobody should be attacked for them. The
makeup of this group puts those like you and me, with orthodox
beliefs, in the uncomfortable position of being just *one* of many
possible views of reality, with no particular standing except a
reputation for arrogance! <grin>

So when subjects come up that are "in your face" unconventional, I
would like you to know you needn't fear for our sanity and you don't
have to believe everything you hear to be one of us, benefit from CS
or to help us in our study.

*I* won't try to predict where the next great breakthrough will come
from. For that reason I won't try to stop folks from sharing their
unconventional ideas, any more than I'll censure you for choosing
not to believe them. I just ask all to treat one another with
civility and respect.

Diversity of opinion is inevitable on this list. If it's not central 
to Colloidal Silver, we must agree to disagree. When we're on topic, 
let's work toward consensus, and hopefully, the truth.

I for one am glad chc is with us. His enthusiasm is obvious and
contagious. I hope we'll be able to produce results that will help
him in his Lyme research.  

Be well, my friends.

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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