> Notice a lot of doctor bashing. Know there is room for change but ,go
>to Bageldash and try it there. 

  Is it better over here???? Let me put you in my place and before you
answer that question. 

  Doctor put me on IV Unisen. 

  Working good took me off after two weeks.

  Three-four days later I went to use the bathroom and my legs quit couldn't
  even get off the stool. 

  Called doctor and he said go to the emergency room, in short I don't want to 
  see you any more . 

  Didn't go then few days later done the same thing and went to the ER.

  Told them that I was going to sit out in front of the head AMA doctors
  office with a sign if they didn't put me back on.

  They put me back on but the doctor doesn't want to treat me by himself.
  States he doesn't know what to do and I said I do give me what I need.
  States I can't if something happens then I'd be responcible. I state
  give me the papers to sign so that I'd be responcible.

  He sent me to an infectious disease specialest in St. Louis. I told them
  like I told my doctor 2 months ago. It's a bacterial infection because
  antibotics kills it. Told that doctor that it's lyme and might be a 
  secondary infection. That ignorant jerk said lyme is killed with two weeks 
  of antibotics so you don't have that. 
  Found a doctor in Nashville that sounds like he knows what is going on. 
  My doctor was going to keep me on the IV until I see him next month. His
  wife died and the doctor that was left in charge took me off the IV because
  the doctor in St. Louis said that I didn't need it. No problem though I
  was smart enough to go to Mexico and get the antibotics that I need to
  keep me going as a just in case they jerked me around again. See that's
  not the first time that they have taken me off before the antibotics 
  have time to kill the infection. About the 10th time if I remember right.

  So how do I know that I'm being taken off before it has time to kill
  the microbes in me? About a year ago I finally got one to keep me
  on for 3 months. That was having to go through about 3-4 different
  doctors before I got one that would listen. At the end of that period
  I was free, fealing good and starting back to school. Eager to go back
  to work. Got a line infection after they took me off that almost killed
  me and knocked me back down so I had to start over.

  When I first saw the doctor that I'm seeing now I talked him into running
  a blood culture. Main reason was to make sure that I didn't still have some
  of the staff infection that I got from an infected line months later. Nothing
  showed there so a RN said that nothing usually shows in the blood try a 
  tissue fluid sample. Tryed 3 months ago to get them to do that with no
  luck. Finally Monday I get that test ran....

>Ever notice that the rest of the world comes here for the best medical care. 
>All the big mucky mucks come here for care,wonder why?

  Simple reputation! Wonder why there are alot of people that have cancer
that have to go to Mexico to get treated when the doctors here fail?
I wonder why the doctors persist in treating the symptoms and not the
cause? Wonder why when a person has all the money he needs or a good
insurance company he gets speacial treatment. I mean you tell the doctors
that you have personal insurance and they will bend over backwards to find
out what is wrong. Tell them you have medicare and see what happens. 
Take Care 


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