>Today was a most interesting discovery. A highly qualified manufacturer
>sent me a "42 ppm CS" in a cobalt blue spray bottle. No big deal,
>The solution would not test viricidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, Nada! I
>could not believe it! It would not make any of the reflexes strong. This
>is almost a first, sine I have tested hundreds of people with CS to
>So we took the solution out of its container, put it a sterile glass
>container, still would not test for killing anything! Hmmmm...What next?
>So folks, did the cobalt blue bottle somehow, neutralize the activity of
>the CS?? Sure looks like it.

  Something to remember. Glass is a ionic negitive. SO any thing that is
an ionic positive will attract to an ionic negitive. It was stated a little
while back that any metal partical is positive. 

   Thank you for that piece of info..

Take Care 


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