< Here's a suggestion. Try several different brands or makes and see <if they kill anything before looking at particle size, PPM, etc.
<Take Care <Reid _______________________________________________________________ Dear Group; Then please snd them to me to muscle test. I just can't help wondering if doing Applied Kinesiology would be alot less expensive and just as accurate! I've been doing AK and teaching it to DC's, NPs, Dentists for 15 years now. I'll do it for free. It certainly would provide a good double blind. I can't believe I am volunteering this! Let me explain. There are points on the body that activate when a person has infection. A good kinesiologist can tell when a person has a virus active, yeast, bacteria, even Lyme, by my testing. Anyway, if a product is bactericidal, it will eliminate the reflex if the person just holds a small amount of the solution in their field. Let me give you an example. For my Lyme research, I am testing people with and without documented Lyme to prove that there a definite reflexes that appear on the body when a person contracts Lyme. So far 100% of the people I have tested, before knowing their diagnosis have + Lyme Reflex that also had proven diagnosed Lyme. Step I So now I have been testing CS products home made and many of the commercial products for some time now, to see what ones strengthen the +Lyme and other infectious reflexes, and by how much. I actually can quantify how much it works. Today was a most interesting discovery. A highly qualified manufacturer sent me a "42 ppm CS" in a cobalt blue spray bottle. No big deal, EXCEPT: The solution would not test viricidal, bactericidal, fungicidal, Nada! I could not believe it! It would not make any of the reflexes strong. This is almost a first, sine I have tested hundreds of people with CS to date! So we took the solution out of its container, put it a sterile glass container, still would not test for killing anything! Hmmmm...What next? Then we took a known 100 ppm CS, fantastic, proven quality bug killer, (by our testing and with patients results) tested, still great. Rinsed out the cobalt bottle with sterile water, several times. Guess what? It totally deactivated the 100 ppm product! We could not believe it, so I again decanted the 100 ppm product from the blue bottle, back into another sterile container! Nada! So folks, did the cobalt blue bottle somehow, neutralize the activity of the CS?? Sure looks like it. So while I am testing, different glass bottles (All of the brown glass test fine) different plastics that some manufacturers use, even for homeopathics, I sure would be interested in also testing and scoring any brews just as a back up test. Inquiring minds want to know! If you do not want to do this, I'm OK with it also. Please let me know. I do not manufacture or sell or represent any CS companies. If you want, you can number samples. I am just interested in the science and resaerch of this. I am biased however. I too want to see methods, by which home CS makers become self sufficient and take charge of their health and can make in their homes, good quality, efficacious CS! Thanks for listening. chc -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>