> I called Hanna Instruments and spoke to their chemist to find out exactly
> what the TDS-1 does and how it does it.  
> Their chemist said the TDS-1 actually measures conductivity between the two
> probes and uses this to estimateTotal Disolved Solids.

> The TDS-1 puts out 6 volts from one probe and measures how much current
> reaches the other probe. 
> Bob Wells
  Hi Bob and list,

  Would like the name of the *chemist* you spoke to. I will immediately 
call Hanna Inst. and inform them of the garbage this person is putting
out. TDS-1 doesn`t apply any voltage to its pins. It measures the
current caused by the electric charge of ions in the water.   
  A lot of you have multimeters, so use them. Try to measure  the
voltage on the pins. You don`t have to take my word for it ,look for

  Bless you all    Bob  Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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