Dear John J;   I have been using commercial 30 ppm CS from Source
Naturals for my Lyme, which I have had for 39 yrs. When I muscle test,
it tests strong on the Lyme point. When I try our homemade (And we are
rank amateurs at this) it does not make the reflex strong. In fact it
weakens other reflexes on my body, indicating possible contaminates. I
amnow taking  1 swig of 30 ppm every 6 hours and have been doing that,
building up gradually, because I was Herxing at 2 teaspoons 2 x a day
when I started nearly 2 weeks ago on the CS only. (I would not take CS
with antibiotics, IMHO)

I believe I will need 100 ppm every 4 hours for a month or two to remove
most of the Lyme. (I am not sure it will remove the Lyme in the brain
and CNS or kill off the dormant phase Lyme either) But until I get a
darkfield microscope, I may never know for sure.

Although I am not into herbs, I have always had great results with
homeopathics, a colleague of mine put together some herbs, that were
tested using infected ticks. That formula, I'm being a guinea pig here,
made me herz so bad, after about 10 days, I became seriously depressed
and suicidal. (Don't remember feeling that bad when I was paralyzed by
Lyme before.) I am studying it and seeing what I can do to balance out
the diruption of the brain chemistry to see how to allay that serious
side effect.

I have ordered 100 ppm Ionic Silver from waterOZ. I will be testing and
scoring it this week on my Lyme reflex. I will keep you posted if it is

In the meantime, I am posting this openly hoping that someone out there
will be able to help us in making high potency CS, instead of having to
shell out $1000 for a machine that I do not even can deliver!!!  Most
people with Lyme do not have the money to risk the $1000. Let's pray.

Take Care,


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