Perhaps some of the exasperation so many feel about MD's grows out of the
fact that the medical establishment has indeed achieved such important,
life-saving discoveries and treatments, that *they*and*we* somehow have
gotten the misconception that they are supposed to know everything and help
everyone every time.  If *we*and*they* could remember that they are just
humans like the rest of us, doing their best and sometimes succeeding,
sometimes failing, we could drop the resentment and get on with the business
of helping people be healthy.

The medical establishment has indeed achieved a great deal when it comes to
DIAGNOSIS. They have been great failures, however, at the TREATMENT of
disease for some time, and grow increasingly so. They are FANTASTIC for
treating trauma, but when it comes to disease, they are almost entirely a
pack of mindless and unprincipled thieves cloned at the pharmaceutical
corporations training centers, commonly called "medical schools". The reason
people have god-like expectations from them, is because they assume a
god-like air, and become insulted if they are not accorded the consequent
worship of their assumption.
If there are any among them who could not be so described, then let them
acknowledge the general character of their profession to prove the validity
of their claim They have poisoned us and been used to spread disease in the
name of healing it for long enough now to loose their general repute as
healers entirely. May they be forsaken as they so richly deserve.


-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, July 05, 1998 12:09 PM
Subject: Doctors

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