Clark says, comfortingly, that if you dont' sleep
> through the night, "you may have the worst night of your life"  well, I have
> not slept through a night in the last decade.  And no amount of ornithine is
> going to fool my body into thinking eight hours equals four.  
I used Clarkes parasite program and the ornithine worked for me like a charm
and I have had insomnia as a symptom for over a decade also. (those wonderful
docs gave me halcyon, thank heaven I had the sense not to try that) If I woke
up, I took another one and fell back to sleep in a much shorter time. So many
factors to this scenario but do you use any nutrasweet, that is what started my
horror story? The year it came out is the year of my decline. Anyone know any
bad things about ornithine supplementation?  
  I said last week that I connected worsened brain fog/die off(herx). One thing
that connects with what Reid said as to thick blood, last summer I had memory
problems so bad and equilibrium problems and symptoms of stroke and I take meds
for blood pressure that is an adrenal inhibitor as this is only what works for
me so far and now I have such horrific dehydration and I read on the web that
LOW BLOOD pressure causes dehydration. I can sit here and guzzle water all day
and not restore my hydration. Anyone have any theories on that one?  Sorry off
topic:)  Deb        

     Debbie McDonald

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