On 12 Jul 98 at 23:10, silver-list@eskimo.com wrote: My concern about
the magnets comes from the common caution of various "authorities"
out there on the CS web sites who tell you to avoid strong magnetic
fields in the vicinity of CS that you are trying to store.

The electrostatic field of the charged colloid particles and the
magnetic field would certainly interact. It would tend to push the
silver particles around, possibly causing them to collide with
things in the neighborhood and give up their charge? That's been my 
assumption, anyway.

> Yes, Reid, but the E field that is producing the colloid is right
> against the wire, right??  I still don't see how a magnet of that
> level could disrupt. . .
> Nonetheless, I don't much like magnets.  So, I'll change horses
> (maybe even Mike's famous dead one) midstream and vote (like
> that'll change anything) for the bubbles.  Maybe even the ozone
> bubbles. hahahaha Wil C. 

Tee hee. I guess my hyperbole is catching up to me. <grin>

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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