>> The answer is yes it should be stirred and should prevent larger
>> particals. The water becomes more conductive in that cloud area.
>Tom, Reid, your observations are right on. This is one of those 
>subtle variables that are going to make it hard to standardize a 

>One of the most elegant solutions I have thought of is a glass tube 
>attached to an aquarium air pump through a control valve, so a gentle 
>stream of bubbles could keep things stirred up, even when operating 
>at room temperature.

   One of the things that I considered doing was to put a small
slow motor over the glass with the silver wire bent into a U
shape sticking into the water. That would be connected to one
side of the current and the other would be connected to a few
silver wires around the inside of the glass.

    Also take your wires and touch them to the side or let them
touch the bottom of the glass and watch the amp metter. 

Take Care 


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