> Date:          Sun, 12 Jul 1998 17:57:36 +0000
> From:          chc <c...@jps.net>
> Reply-to:      c...@jps.net
> Organization:  Creative Health Center
> To:            "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject:       Comfrey Off the Topic

> Years ago comfrey-pepsin was a wonderful GI (Gastrointestinal )healing
> agent. We used it to heal ulcers, to sooth the GI tract and it worked
> great. Who says you need antibitics to heal h.pylori?? Anyway, someone
> got a hairbrained idea to shove 1000 x the usual does into lab rats and
> i believe it caused cancer. (Duuuhhh, no kidding) So in all of their
> wisdom the FDA took it off the market. I do not know if it ever came
> back. Now we use "Okra Pepsin", which seems to work good too.
> So, Joyce if you have comfrey pepsin in your yard, do find out what,
> how, when and why, because it is valuable. BTW don't forget to e-mail me
> your address, off the net!
> chc

Nature's Sunshine makes a marshmallow pepsin product that will do 
about the same thing.
Dr. Kelley used this in his cancer treatment to clean the villi of 
the small intestine of mucus so the body would get its nutritients.
Jim Einert, N.D.

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