From the article by Dr. David G. Williams, M.D.:

 "Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids.  Almost 90 percent
 of its fatty acid content consists of ricinoleic acid.  To my
 knowledge, ricinoleic acid is not found in any other substance
 except castor oil.  Such a high concentration of this unusual,
 unsaturated fatty acid is thought to be responsible for castor
 oil's remarkable healing abilities.
   Ricinoleic acid has been shown to be effective in preventing the
 growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.
 (J Am Oil Chem Soc 61;37.323-325.)"

     I think we'd have heard from the FDA, years ago,
 if Castor Oil contained the illegal nerve gas 'ricin'. 
 And Edgar Cayce would be listed along with Adolph Hitler
 and the Unibomber.


 From: Debbie McDonald <>
 Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998
 Subj: Re: caster oil

 Found this on the newsgroups<G> Can anyone dispute it with facts
 or should we do more digging?  Deb 

 > >
 > > castor oil contains ricin, one of the most potent poisons known.
 > > A single molecule will kill a cell (by chewing up ribosomes if
 > > memory serves).  The oil is used as a cathartic.  Not sure
 > > whether this is a true "stimulant cathartic" a class of drugs
 > > that too many women only learn to avoid after they have to
 > > consult a doctor because their colon doesn't work anymore.
 > >
 > > Avoid castor oil, if someone tells you it is healthful, see if
 > > they are also taking DDT pills and ask for a reputable reference.
 > >
 > > Robert Read, DVM, PhD
 > Looked up ricin.  Toxic indeed!! LD50 .001 ug/gram!  But why do
 > women seem to fall victim to this?  They just happen to use it
 > more?  And is there really damage to the colon, given the 3-day
 > turnaround time for the lining?


      Debbie McDonald

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