Found this on the newsgroups<G> Can anyone dispute it with facts or should we
do more digging?  Deb 
> >
> > castor oil contains ricin, one of the most potent poisons known.  A single
> > molecule will kill a cell (by chewing up ribosomes if memory serves).  The 
> > oil
> > is used as a cathartic.  Not sure whether this is a true "stimulant 
> > cathartic"
> > a class of drugs that too many women only learn to avoid after they have to
> > consult a doctor because their colon doesn't work anymore.
> >
> > Avoid castor oil, if someone tells you it is healthful, see if they are also
> > taking DDT pills and ask for a reputable reference.
> >
> > Robert Read, DVM, PhD
>         Looked up ricin.  Toxic indeed!! LD50 .001 ug/gram!  But why do women
> seem to fall victim to this?  They just happen to use it more?  And is
> there really damage to the colon, given the 3-day turnaround time for
> the lining?


     Debbie McDonald

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