Hello John and list,

I'm encouraged to hear your report. I know from helping my mom care
for hers, that keeping the skin moist is a constant challenge. You
might try mixing some of your cs into a creme, lotion or oil base,
along the lines Jerry suggested in a post he made a couple of weeks
back which I'm attaching below. Not something I've tried yet, but
sounds reasonable.

By the way, what brand of CS are you taking? What parts-per-million
is it supposed to be? Or are you making it yourself? This'll help us
evaluate how much you're taking.

Be patient. I hope things continue to improve for you!

Mike D.

On  4 Jul 98 at 8:51, John Morris wrote:

> It has been a week now since I have been taking C.S. for my
> Psoriasis I take 50 mills morning and night I don't now if this is
> the right amount but it seems to be working. The first few days it
> got worse but now it seems to be clearing up the rash is not a red
> and seems to be faiding it is still bad on my face but the rest is
> clearing up good. I spray C.S. on my face 4 or 5 times a day but it
> gets very dry so I have put some PawPaw ointment on as well. Dose
> any one have any Idea's what ells I can do to help. I forgot to tell
> you since I have taken C.S. I am not as tired as I used to be  maybe
> this is a bonus .
> John

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On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, win...@aol.com, Jerry W. wrote:

The products I make are really simple. I use a Vitamin E Aloe base
creme and mix the silver water in it at 8oz/ 32 oz of lotion.

The shampoo is made from an Almond Honey concentrate mixed with 1-1
ratio silver water and concentrate.

Mouth wash is only peppermint oil with silver water. 20 drops of oil
to 64oz of CS water.

See there is no real secret here just products that work for
Psoriasis and other skin problems like warts etc. Use as any lotion.

This is really simple to share and I hope the others on the list can
share there ideas on CS water and the ways they have applied it. One
lady is using the shampoo on her dog who has some real skin problems.
She is very excited about the results. I am sure you could mix the
water with any shampoo or lotion available in your area and get the
same results.

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