Joyce, Those are all good remedies for warts. Years ago, a friend of mine, Diane Hamilton (who has a Ph.D. in chemistry) told me that there was not a stronger anti-fungal, anti-viral-- even with a prescription-- than garlic. As it happened, I had a highly resistant form of athlete's foot that none of the then-current medicine would touch, so I used freshly-grated garlic all over my foot. I now laugh at my ignorant faith, as I burned my foot badly and it swelled to three times its normal size. Once the burn healed, my athlete's foot was gone.
Later, a friend had condyloma (sp?)-- genital warts. They were so bad, they looked liked a cauliflower protruding from the anus. He had already gone through 2 operations and one doctor's office procedure to remove these-- EXTREMELY painful, and they caused the onset of kidney stones from dehydration. I suggested putting one clove (or toe) of garlic in a blender with a little water, then adding that blended amount to an enema bad and filling with water. Didn't want to burn him. (The garlic must be grated, or the active chemical-- aliicin-- will not form. Crushing does not do the job as well, if at all.) He was scheduled for an operation on Monday, and this was Friday night. First enema Friday night. Saturday morning frightened both of us, as the thing had grown to huge proportions. I begged him to continue, knowing about the nature of such beasts that fight before they die. By the third treatment Saturday, we thought we noticed a change for the better-- last enema just before bedtime. Sunday morning he awoke and the entire thing had disappeared. COMPLETELY GONE!!!! He did the treatments Sunday, anyway, but did not go to the doctor Monday. He later had a doctor treating him for something else say he had noticed the warts on his record. I told the doctor that they were gone, and he asked to examine my friend. He did a proctoscopic exam and was incredulous. Wanted to know what we had done, and when I told him he totally discounted it. The warts return from time to time, very few in number, and he does the garlic enema. It also gives a rush of energy. For what it's worth, Wil C. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour <>