If you're talking about warts, you can try Morinda's Noni Tahitian cream
or Mannatech's cream.  My friends have had good results on their moles and
skin protrusions. Another possibility is SkinAnswer. (The active
ingredient in all three have helped cancer.) 

A woman I know started using Noni on a skin protrusion on her eyelid but
she backed off when her skin started to redden.  (This reddening is a
natural immunologic reaction where your army of white blood cells is
fighting and taking away the "bad cells".)  Since she didn't want to use
the Noni cream, I convinced her to use Mannatech's skin cream. 
(Mannatech's cream has the active ingredient betamannan which is being
tested by the FDA for cancer in animals). But the cream is milder and
doesn't seem to work nearly as fast as Noni's skin cream.

It's been about two months since she started.  Well, about two days ago,
her eyelid became red and swollen and so did the lump.  "It's bigger," she
told me, looking in the mirror.  I assured her that it was a good sign; 
her army of white blood cells was doing a good job--like the "pus" that
forms after you have a bruise--if the bruise gets infected, the area gets
swollen, reddish, sore, and pussy with dead germs and white blood cells.

Well, today her eyelid isn't as red, her skin protrusion is yellow at the
tip, there is a spot of black at the side (probably dead cells or
necrosis), and I think it'll be only about two weeks before the lump goes
away entirely.

If you can't afford the cream, do what I did when I was a little girl.  I
had warts on my hand that just wouldn't go away.  Then someone told me to
cut the end of an eggplant, rub it good and well on the wart, then dig a
hole in the ground where no one will step on it, put the eggplant in it,
and cover it up. I followed the directions to the letter; I rubbed the
eggplant for a long time on the wart.  Several weeks (or months?)
later, I remember being surprised when I looked down at my hand and found
that the warts were gone! Perhaps there is an active ingredient in the
eggplant, or perhaps it was the power of suggestion or a little girl's
faith, but it worked. 

:)  Joyce 

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 tosca...@ix.netcom.com wrote:

> Does anyone know if CS or even colloidal gold would help with killing
> HPV, or human papillomavirus?  Any facts, ideas, or anecdotes (positive
> or negative) are appreciated.  Tahnk you. 

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