
I realize this letter is not CS information.....but in a strange manner
it applies if you insert CS where some other things are involved. The
basis of it should apply here also as experimentors and users go....

I know I will get one letter at least telling me that this is off topic
so dont bother...just delete it now....but in fact it is on topic for
many lists not just the Rifers....but also here. is all the same, answers do exist and people who do have them
hold out....uncalled for behavior.

Eh....I dont decide....I will take the good mail with the
opinionated......and respond with my usual.

--- Begin Message ---

Been on a walkabout for awhile, cant ride a Bike here so ya gotta do
what ya gotta I figured I would pass along some mail....

Bunch of insanity going on in the off list people....the people who tend
to get off list and do all their communication there....I am one for the
most part also. So I will wear that hat too!

I am gonna remain on walkabout for awhile longer, I simply need the
break.....sometimes we get too far to involved in subjects and we lose
focus....we begin to look at things from rose colored glasses....then
someone dies...and the glasses fog up.

We are beginning to have factions here....that is not, nor has it ever
been the intention of this separate any person or
experimentor...or group, I do not believe we should not to allow it.

I have people writing that have their own list of Freq's...some with
their own modifications, some with regeims which I have never heard
of....some refuse to inform this list because they deal with AIDS or
HIV, or a Cancer Clinic in Mexico or the Canary Islands,a few with
concpets of survival and they dont offer becomes a GRAVE
concern to me. Actually it bugs the hell outa me...cause we are really
in a joint venture, well at least I thought so....if one of you thinks
there is a lot of money here ya better contact Jim or Don and come to
some real facts fast!!! There aint none! You aint gonna get rich keepin
secrets in a fringe alternative group...PERIOD. Also, if you dont
believe we are a fringe group ask the AMA, FDA or FCC.

Stan and I have never met, which we are gonna do in a month....this will
be something for me....someone to actually talk to who is a Rifer other
than in type on a screen or on Freetel. But I think we will be forming
some real direction for the list to go in at the same time. See it all all means something...whether it is a RBDT unit or a RR
unit or a undefined unit...and people are gettin real reserved in their
concepts they seem to take more than they give....and people are dying
and the ones who will find the answer don't do as much as they could....

We really do have a job here...maybe for some a second job....but never
the less I hold little hope for the Rife List solving the problem. It is
up to us to help Jim and Don and ourselves...and there is not one reason
for one person not to give.....we have nothing to is time for
people to come out with information. JB and myself took some major risks
offering up the R/R unit....there are more out there....I believe it is
time to hear about them....there is a consinsus that a combined
technology may have some answers.....

Two steps forward and one step back.....I guess it is always like that

This was all triggered by losing 12 more people that I cant get
there ya have it.....12.....that is a lot to have dropped in yer lap in
one email....Dengy Fever! So I guess some of the petty differences we
have dont mean a lot to those families.....aint one freq we got that where are we still look good to them, those
families who depend on us and we tend to never see the faces so we dont
concern ourselves......gain some ground people....look a little harder,
push a little harder....give that extra 1% we need to help the faces we
will never see.


--- End Message ---