To save multiple messages I've replied to a few in this one message.

M. G. Devour wrote:

> Sounds like you got everything together just great...
> > There was absolutely no reaction and I had to toss in
> > about 10 ml 0.9% sodium chloride solution (irrigation sachet from
> > pharmacy) and it roared off.
> I you'd have waited as much as a half hour, you'd have seen the
> reaction begin. It just takes longer without salt. The reaction
> actually was getting going, but too slowly to see.

I'll try that with the next batch and see how I go

Cisco wrote:

> Frank,
> Ditto.....salt, if any impurity exists in the H20 will cause a
> undesired
> reaction and possibly a toxic effect.....if I could in my limited
> abilities suggest something....leave salt, of any type, out of your
> base.
> Cisco

That seems to be the consensus. Next batch I won't be so impatient and
just let it go without and see what happens.

Dean Woodward wrote:

> I don't know why no one I have read after ever mentioned the artistic beauty
> of the filmy, diaphanous web of particles which comes off the cathode when
> things really get going. I am going to try to create some art from this.

Yes, post them when you get some good ones

It's not me wrote:

> I haven't had much success with just rubbing the CS in topically.
> What
> usually works is to saturate something with CS and leave it in contact
> with
> the infected sight for some time.  Cold sores get about 10 min. and
> other
> nastier infections get overnight or several days.  I would think that
> with
> Mastitis, you would want the CS in contact at least overnight.

There was a recipe for gelling CS somewhere I'll chase it up and perhaps
try that.

As for a progress report: my wife says that although not much better
(yet) it hasn't got worse. It was fluctuating between worse and better
when it first started but it is now consistent at the lower end.

Thanks all.


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