Well, after lurking for ages and humming and hahing, I finally got around to
making not only the generator but a first batch ! Tonight.

My generator is based on Tom Miller's design, 24 VAC rectified and using 20 Ma.

I  have 2.5mm fine silver wire electrodes. I decided on using the same on both
trodes figuring I would simply alternate which was the anode. That way I have
double the electrode life without worrying about whether a different metal
cathode would affect the quality of my brew. I had 6 cms (almost 2 1/2")
immersed into 250 ml (8 oz) of distilled water.

I haven't got around to making my own distilled water yet (not sure which way
to go) so I bought some bottled stuff from the supermarket. There was
absolutely no reaction and I had to toss in about 10 ml 0.9% sodium chloride
solution (irrigation sachet from pharmacy) and it roared off. I used the
irrigation sachet because I assumed that being pharmaceutical grade it "HAD" to
be pure NaCl and better than table salt.

So I let it brew for 10 mins. There were reasonable quantities of small bubbles
coming from one electrode and there was a slight milky haze around the other
with it slowly building up a whitish/creamy surface. Towards the end a milky
tail was starting to drop down underneath it.

The solution itself, when completed, had a slight white opaque appearance to
it. I tasted it and there was a "floury" taste to it. Not unpleasant or bitey,
just  -  something! The residue on the cathode was a creamy white on the outer
surface to an almost grey close to the metal. It came off easily just by
rubbing my fingers over the wire.

My wife is uncomfortable with a bit of mastitis at the moment and I remembered
reading something somewhere that it helps. But wouldn't you know it ! I
couldn't remember whether you had to drink it or rub it in. So being the caring
husband that I am, I wanted to make sure I helped so I insisted on both
drinking and topical application. Naturally I volunteered to put it on. And
folks, I'm convinced this CS stuff must work because I feel better already
after putting it on for her! But I'll let you know later whether she does.

So what do you think? Am I off and running or did I just get a cheap thrill?


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