Works great doesn't it?  I wouldn't use anything else.


-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie McDonald <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, May 22, 1998 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS/burns

>Hi All,
>  Some time back I had read here that someone used CS on sunburn?? I
>burned my face last friday(worse than first degree) and it was too late
>to call docs so I put some CS in a mister and kept spraying the burned
>area,(mouth, nose and surrounding) for two hours+, kept it wet with CS,
>any slack and the pain was pretty bad. By bedtime it was not too
>uncomfortable to sleep) It never formed blisters and today you cannot
>tell(unless you are very close) and the numbness in the lip is going
>away. Just wanted to let any know that had missed the original post. Had
>I not read it here, I would not have tried this on myself. Thanks
>whoever that was. Deb 
>     Debbie McDonald
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