Hi Michael,

I too was fighting recurrent bronchitis for at least a decade.
Getting so run down it's hard to function.

A year ago Christmas time we went to Florida for a couple of weeks.
On the way down my cough and congestion became bacterial and viral
pneumonia. By the time we reached Georgia I couldn't breathe. An
urgent care clinic in Valdosta gave me scrip for antibiotics, cough
syrup, and two inhalers, after x-rays and a nebulizer treatment to
get me breathing again. They said if I wasn't *much* better by
tomorrow I'd *better* check in to a hospital.

Well, all the meds and two weeks lounging around in the sun and
fishing did wonders! But when we got home I started nosing around on
the net, looking for something that I could use for my lungs besides
antibiotics and steroids. I was tired of the endless cycle.

I found out about CS after watching some idiots on the Lyme newsgroup
savage someone peddling for an MLM program. There were well reasoned
rebuttals from people who weren't selling anything. I did a web 
search and came up with enough info to realize the debunkers were as 
much fools as the hucksters.

I requested more info via a post to the newsgroup, and someone
responded with subscription instructions for this list. And the rest,
as they say, is history...

I've had my best year for respiratory health in as long as I can 
remember. I've only had one cold, and it didn't drop into my lungs 
and linger for a month like they always did before.

I applaud your decision to "just do it!" I believe you've got
nothing to fear, and you're going to like the results you get.

Be well,

Mike D.

On  5 May 98 at 11:33, Mike McNeill wrote:

> I've been fighting bronchitis (no meds, just "bulling through") for
> far too many years.  Whenever I do physically strenuous work, I
> develop asthma-like symptoms (family history of it, too).  I
> recently had minor surgery to remove a growth from my face and the
> doc gave me a 5-day "super antibiotic."  I noticed that for the next
> week or so, I didn't have any breathing problems.  This has led me
> to think my "asthma" may be a biological growth in my lungs (with
> the humidity here in Louisiana, moss will grow on *anything*!). 
> That got me to wondering if c-s might not kill what is causing my
> problems.  So...I'm about ready to say "just do it!" and start
> making my own "juice."

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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