Jerry you might want to try the following for your Arthritis.

BIOMAGNETIC HANDBOOK, A Guide to Medical Magnetics, The Energy Medicine of
Tomorrow, by Dr. William H. Philpott, M. D. and Sharon Tapin. ISBN

   This is an excellent book, and I would highly recommend it to all 
who are serious about their research.

   Here is a source for magnets:  Body Magnetics Plus, 871 Thrall Ave.,
Suffield, CT 06078, phone 860-668-5137.  They will send you their catalog
when you request one.


At 05:06 PM 4/18/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I've been on this list for about 2 months and I don't remember if CS for
>Arthritis has been discussed.
>Will it help??  I've already had both knees replaced because of arthritis
>now I'm getting it in two of my fingers.  I know it's not carpal tunnel or
>muscle soreness.  One of my fingers has already become twisted - about
>a year ago and now it's happening again to more.
>Will CS help or would it be a waste of time.
>Please help,
>Jerry Karl
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