Jerry Karl,

I don't know if CS would help, but have you tried Glucosamine, Chondroitan,
Boswellan, Sea Cucumber.  These are a couple that are real popular right now
and people swear that they are helping.  I have sold the stuff to a couple
of dozen people and all of them are still using it and claim it is the most
relief that they have gotten.  I have not tried it myself, as most of my
pain is not from arthritis.  By the way this isn't a commercial, so I hope
you won't take it that way.  By selling supplements, I get to hear feedback
from people as to what is working for various illnesses.  If you try one of
the above, especially Glucosamine, I guess that you should try it for at
least 2 months before giving up, although most that I have talked to started
noticing some difference after about 2-3 weeks.  Hope that you find some

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Karl <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, April 18, 1998 4:31 PM
Subject: Cs for Arthritis

>I've been on this list for about 2 months and I don't remember if CS for
>Arthritis has been discussed.
>Will it help??  I've already had both knees replaced because of arthritis
>now I'm getting it in two of my fingers.  I know it's not carpal tunnel or
>muscle soreness.  One of my fingers has already become twisted - about
>a year ago and now it's happening again to more.
>Will CS help or would it be a waste of time.
>Please help,
>Jerry Karl
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