> I really would like to see a steady flow of usage reports, good and
> bad. Testimonials go a long way toward keeping us focused on what
> we're here for. If you've used CS for something lately, or you
> haven't chipped in with your story in a while, feel free to post!
> There are always people looking for the info.
Well, here goes,  I had been using CS myself as I considered myself very
toxic, from slow bowels, and possibly a resistant staph?? among other
things. I then used a parasite program, also drank too much sugar and
started feeling pain in the liver?gall bladder area so decided to lay
off silver for awhile. That is when I noticed that after about two weeks
off silver, the pain in the toes on one foot and my knee I had injured a
few years before returned. I am not kidding, it seem the silver had
taken away the pain. Will let you all know when I go back on silver if
the pain goes away again but I feel certain it will, anyone else have
this where you don't think it was a result of lyme in the joints. 

     Debbie McDonald


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