At 02:53 AM 5/29/99 -0500, you wrote:
>                    Dear Vilik.
>                        I just read your post.  Let me take a moment and
>discuss this.  In our evaluations which included WaterOz, they
>were----primarily----ones involving Colloidal Silver as a single protocol
>agent.  The material gave excellent results.....IN THIS SETTING.  We used
>CS generated in our own lab----for experiments involving combination
>in solution.   While we have conducted many different protocols, involving
>different protocol combinations....including several different families of
>substances-----precipitates were never a problem with any of our CS
>NO MATTER WHICH GENERATION PROTOCOL  we employed (high voltage AC or low
>voltage DC).
>        Your post troubles me because you, simply, should not be having the
>kind of chemical reaction you are reporting-----unless there is some type of
>contamination in the aloe vera solution.  Pure aloe juice HAS NEVER caused
>type of precipitate to form in any CS---or combination----CS solution we have
>employed.  We have mixed pure aloe vera (cold processed) extract with a
>super-saturated MSM solution and then added a 30% (by liquid volume)
portion of
>5 to 10 ppm CS......many times, and NEVER  encountered precipitation
>conditions.  Some of these solutions have remained, untended, for many
>days-----still no visible alterations to the composite solution.
>                In my opinion, something is not as it should be in your
>protocol.  There are many possibilities, but the most obvious candidate is
>Colloidal Silver or the Aloe Vera.   I would suggest a simple variation of
>present mixing procedure.  First, mix only the CS and the a small
>quantity and observe the results.  Next, mix only CS and Aloe Vera and
>the results.  Next, mix MSM and Aloe Vera and observe.  Finally, mix all
>and observe.  This examination may furnish you a reasonable----and
>visible---answer.  I believe you may find the "bad actor".
>                Do let me know your results.
>                        Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.
>P.S.  Personally, I would not consume any CS solution that exhibited
>precipitates-----OF ANY FASHION.

Excellent suggestions. I will follow them today and report my results. My
aloe does have a preservative in it. I will get a pure one and try that too.

Thanks so very much for the help. 


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