>I'm Terry. I've been researching CS for a few weeks (along with blood
>electrification, magnetic pulsars and ozonated water). I built myself a
>cs generator (three 9-volt batteries and two wires with alligator
>clips), and made some cs water. The two silver wires (14-guage) cost me
>$26.75 with tax and 2-day shipping (from British Columbia to Nova
>I bought it from SOTA. Are there any other sources for silver wire in
>Canada? I can buy 18-guage wire from CSPro in Texas for $3.40 per foot
>(in 5-ft lengths), which is much cheaper than from SOTA, but it's
>thinner wire. Can anyone tell me what are the advantages of thicker
>Also, if the gov't starts making it harder to buy silver wire, it would
>seem smart to buy a lot of it now, before there is legislation to make
>it unavailable or raise the price.
Dear Terry, Wow, did you get taken...
I can sell you 2 five inch pieces of 14 gauge .999 fine wire for 5 bucks
American, my cost. If you prefer to buy in quantity, I can send the phone
number of my supplier in St. Louis. They sell by the ounce.
(I`ve sent wire to Canada before, no problems.)

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