Mike Devour said,
> Of course, anything complimentary or alternative
that he does will need to be coordinated with his
medical team, to whatever extent they are prepared to

I do not know if that statement is there to avoid
legal problems, or is your true opinion.

To try to coordinate a radical alternative approach
like the Gerson therapy or Essiac or any of the large
number of other effective alternative approaches to
cancer (or any health issue) while attempting to
appease your doctor is like trying to coordinate a
social program between militant atheists and
evangelical Christians.

Yes, I know there are a few medical doctors out there
who are sympathetic to or are even practicing a
holistic approach to cancer/health, but they are few
and far between.

Your normal doctor will not work with you, he will
oppose any of 'that health-nut stuff'. He will insist
on the cut-burn-poison routine that typifies the
modern medical program, and will refuse to even treat
you if you insist on anything else.

For many years I was of the opinion that medical
doctors were mostly ineffective, with an occasional
lucky success. But in the last few years people have
come to me with problems that were CAUSED by their
doctors. Time after time after time clients have told
me how a condition that turned out to have been
nothing more than an allergy or indigestion was
diagnosed as something needing surgery or extensive
medication (which, when followed, caused severe, even
life-threatening health problems).

I am now of the opinion that doctors should be
avoided, that to put yourself in their hands is to put
your life at risk. One of my own daughters had a
health issue that I suspected was insufficient
thyroid. I contacted a doctor friend (the one who is
enthusiastic about CS). When I discussed my daughter
with her, told me that, if my daughter had laboratory
testing and it was discovered that my suspicions about
her thyroid were correct, she would have to take
whatever drugs were prescribed, and if I did not
agree, I would be reported and my daughter taken from
me and forced to take the drugs.

It would take me hours to relate all the stories my
clients have told me about medical terrorism and the
harassment they have received when they resisted
obeying their doctors.

Are there good, caring, open-minded doctors out there?
Yes, and increasing in number daily. But they are
still the great minority.

If you do not know a doctor who is interested in
alternative approaches to health and you go see a
regular, close-minded doctor, he will not help you, he
will only hinder you. He will, in fact, threaten your

When folks come to me with serious health issues, and
they want to also follow their doctors program, I will
either work with them in a minimal way (add some
supplements, eat this, avoid this), or I will not work
with them at all. You cannot mix oil and water; you
cannot try to help your body heal itself while at the
same time do things that hurt your body or even
interfere with its healing ability.

I have had folks come to me who have been told by
their doctors not to take any vitamins or minerals
because it would bolster their immune systems, which
the doctor does not want. They are taking drugs
designed to suppress their immune systems, and
anything that will bolster the immune system will
interfere with the drug.

I will not work with such folks. I tell them, if they
press me to, that they need to decide how they are
going to approach health. Either help your body defend
itself, or let the doctor do his worst. If you choose
the latter, be sure and have your Will filled out. I
tell them, if you want your body to heal itself, do
not see a doctor unless he/she also wants to help your
body to heal itself and will do things designed to
assist your body. Drugs do not. Radiation does not.
Surgery rarely does.

Clients have reported to me that when they told their
doctors that they were taking CS, their doctor flew
into a rage and demanded they stop immediately or they
would not treat them anymore. Good. End of discussion.
Exit stage left.

The practice of medicine in North America has
degenerated into something more dangerous than
anything ever done by any primitive tribal witch

Go see a Naturopath (but I will admit, the resistance
to CS from Naturopathic doctors has been nearly as
great as from medical doctors). Go see an herbalist.

But most of all, educate yourself. Read, read, read.
If you research your health issues on the internet,
you will at first be overwhelmed by both the huge
amount of info you find, and by the great variety of
opinions about what you should do. Among the
Natural-oriented folks you will find a great deal of
opinion, discussion, disagreement, controversy. (The
doctors at least, mostly agree: cut-burn-poison, make
out your Will and then die). If you are fortunate
enough to find one of the good doctors, hang on to

But here is the key: As you keep chasing the knowledge
you need, as you keep talking with others of like mind
(HELP your body, not force it), what you need to know
about resolving your own health issues will rise to
the surface, will become clearer and clearer to you,
what you should do. The PROCESS of searching for
answers will change you and make you able to benefit
from the answers that come to you. That searching
process is an important part of experiencing healing. 

Be aware: the searching process is at first hard, and
fraught with discouragement and despair. It is when
you KEEP searching when it seems a waste of time, when
you are even criticized for searching but you refuse
to stop, that something wonderful will happen inside
you. I am not talking in theory here, my searching has
been all my life, and I would not have missed it for
the world.

'Holistic' means approaching the problem from all
angles, or as many as you can. Good health is not
found in taking a pill, whatever that pill contains.
Good health is found in approaching life in as healthy
a way as you can. That includes hope and faith and
love and humor as well as diet and exercise and
healthy therapies.

I have become the youth leader at a small church
recently (imagine that! a 59-year old youth leader!),
and the last few months have done more for my health
than anything I have ever done with diet and
nutrition. My energy, frame of mind, diet, sleeping
habits and zest for life have improved exponentially.
The kids (high school) in this group do not know what
to make of me. I am balding, gray, wrinkled and wear a
dental bridge that does not always stay in place, but
I have been places and done things they have only
heard about. My energy equals their own and my zest
for life, love, joy and adventure perplexes them. They
have started bringing their friends to be exposed to
what is happening. 

I had forgotten (this is not the first youth group I
have led, but it has been a long time since the last)
how much love, compassion and passion for life
energizes your mind and body.

I am convinced that love and laughter are a more
effective cancer therapy than nutrition. Better yet,
do them both!

Terry Chamberlin

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