
I recall reading, it must have been three or four years ago, recommendations by 
Brooks Bradley and others that combining CS with Gatorade would enhance the 
effectiveness of the CS, apparently enabling it to carry further into the body.

At the same time I read an article about sports drinks that said Gatorade was 
the least harmful because it contained only sucrose while most of the others 
contained high fructose corn syrup, which is very harmful to the body.

So I tried combining the CS and Gatorade and found that the combination did 
seem to enhance the effectiveness of the CS.  I can't quantify this in any way, 
but, subjectively, the results seemed to indicate that.

Recently, however, I noticed (probably late) that the Gatorade bottles had 
changed.  They were originally quite thick, sturdy plastic bottles, but lately 
seemed to have been changed to a thinner and much flimsier plastic.

Well, I eventually read the label on the new bottle, and, lo and behold, guess 
what new ingredient I found: high fructose corn syrup.

Not sure when they slipped this in, but I just noticed it.  No more Gatorade 
for me, I'm afraid.  

Anybody else see when this happened?
