Well, I am not sure why I wrote diversity, when 
I probably should have written adversity.
  But, it would seem, that the word might not be so inappropriate.  Nancy was 
couragous enough to try ANYTHING to gain better health.  Stuff that most people 
would have put their nose up too.  UT was one of them, yes, she was open minded 
enough to incorporate it into her routine, and I remember her saying how well 
it worked for her by lifting her energy levels as she incorporated it into an 
enima program along with CS. 

Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:
        v\:* {behavior:url (#default#vml);}      v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url 
(#default#vml)  }        FLAVOR00-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000  4.0  ;           
   I think the word was meant to be 'adversity' but I think most understood 
what was meant.  Dee 
  -------Original Message-------
    From: Marshall Dudley
  Date: 05/01/07 15:02:01
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Nancy's journal

  Carol Ann wrote:
  > Would be an honor to see how a woman such as she overcame such
  > diversity.   Boy did I ever admire her courage and tenacity.
  Can you explain? Diversity is something one normally strives for, not
  tries to overcome.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
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