My husband and 2 children and I got hit with a nasty cold/flu/virus or
whatever the damn thing is. I got hit the hardest.. And  I have tried
everything over the course of 2-3 weeks (CS, oil of oregano, oregamax,
nac,  hoemopathics, ozone therapy, acidophilous, mega sodium ascorbate,
mustard plaster, cold wet sock treatment, sweat bath to raise core temp
and burn it out, Echinacea combo, radiance reiki, then when it went to
my sinuses I've tried cs in netti pot, h202 in netti pot, salt water,
rebounding, vitamin c flush, home remedies like 'tomato hot tea', apple
cider vinegar, natural Sinus Buster from the health food store.)   I am
feeling some relief today from rebounding consistently but I can't taste
or smell yet. My nostrils are clear but my head is still stuffy. 
I made a dandelion, sprout, lettuce, banana &apple smoothie today and
took a b complex and feel much more normal ;-)
I must say that it would have been way easier to have a nebulizer from
the get go. BUT each time I go to buy one I can't figure out   WHICH
ONE. we have no archives here. but I recall the size of particles to be
important.. But then someone uses a humidifier from Walmart don't
Any recommendations on WHICH NEBULIZER to buy that would work for the
whole family.
Thanks  SO much.