It's pretty amazing that people will go to great lengths to buy organic or safer foods and then not even question the source of the supplements that they buy frequently to the tune of hundreds of dollars a month. Minerals, vitamins, herbs any and all of these can be contaminated. How many of us that buy organic even know to check that the supplements we pay so dearly for are from an organic or pure source, or even where they come from.

Best to get your nutrients from whole organic or locally grown foods where you know the person that grew the food. Often less than 10% of what we would be taking in supplement form is needed when we obtain the nutrients from food due to the higher bioavailability of the nutrient in food. Much of this is due to the matrix of nutrients in a food that enhance the absorption and utilization. Silicon for instance enhances both the absorption and utilization of Calcium and Magnesium. When obtained from food sources these minerals are in a different form than when taken as an isolated or synthesized supplement.


Cinder Ella wrote:
    The NY times has a report this morning about China exporting
    diethylene glycol marked as 99.5% glycerine:
    http://www.nytimes. com/2007/ 05/06/world/ americas/ 06poison.

    or http://www.iht. com/articles/ 2007/05/05/ news/06poison. php

    The "glycerine" is mixed into cough syrups and other liquid
    pharmaceuticals, and when ingested ...

    "The kidneys fail first. Then the central nervous system begins to
    misfire. Paralysis spreads, making breathing difficult, then often
    impossible without assistance. In the end, most victims die."

    This substitution has been made as early as the 1930s, when
    poisonings from diethylene glycol prompted the formation of the
    FDA.  More recently, mass poisonings with fatalities in the hundreds
    to many thousands have resulted in China, Panama, Bangladesh, India,
    Haiti, Argentina, and Nigeria.  Nobody has been prosecuted because
    the manufacturers are not licensed to sell pharma-grade product, and
    do not claim that the product is pharma-grade ... only 99.5% pure.
    Thus, no laws have been broken.

    This is one of the scariest, unbelievable pieces I've come across in
    a long time. And not to be complacent, the diethylene glycol came
    very close to making it into U.S. product.

    You owe it to yourself to read this entire article, if you want to
    be informed of the utter ineptitude, ignorance, and deception at all
    levels of marketing and regulation - starting from a small
    production shop in China, all the way to the FDA and agencies in
    other countries. And what is so disturbing, is that nobody seems to
    be able to put a stop to these practices.
A few days ago, a question to a person from an herb & supplement
    company about vitamins, revealed that a very large proportion of
    vitamins are now manufactured in China.  It seems prudent for
    everyone's safety, to make careful enquiries about the source of
    products being purchased, and the source of materials in that
    product.  Start letting every supplier of goods know that you are
An ordinary bottle of over-the-counter cough syrup could kill you. What if you had been traveling in Panama last year and needed some? And the cough syrup was manufactured by the Panamanian government,
    not knowing the supposed "glycerin" going into it was actually
    diethylene glycol, and totally unaware where the stuff really came
Unbelievable. Scary. Please inform your other health groups. Char

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