I don't think I would have liked to be the one who had to determine the dose
sizes though (lol) Dee 


-------Original Message------- 


Cyanide is used to cure cancer, present in apricot and apple seeds. 

Tree frog poison is used by Shamans to "see" beyond the boundaries. 

Extract of Jimson weed is both used by witches to "fly" and as an 

Antidote to most poisons. Atropine and Scopolamine, also used in 

"sleep-eze", included as an injection in the anti bio-terrorist tool kit. 

.so you won't die in "this" reality. 


Blood thinners are also rat poisons..table salt can be made into plastic 

Explosives, dynamite for heart attacks, a whack with a willow stick to get 

A headache, eat a little willow bark the whack broke loose to get rid of 

It, aspirin ....on and on. 






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