Thanks so very much for the advice and help you have given me so far! But watch
out, when I feel I'm amongst friends I *really* start asking questions :-)  So
here goes: I started really researching CS because of my face. I have rosacea,
which, if you aren't familiar with the term, is supposedly a blood vessel
abnormality amonst other things, resulting in a face that either looks sunburned
all the time, or have horrible acne to boot. In men it can cause the enlarged
nose such as you see on W.C. Fields. One of the things they found is an over
abundance of those tiny mites that we all have - rosacea people seem to have way
more activity. I read something about someone taking CS and also applying it to
their face, and totally wiping out any symptoms of rosacea. At that point I was
ready to try anything. I don't have the acne, but just look as if I am sunburned
most of the time, which we call the red mask. The Dr.'s only answer is to take
tetracycline (which MAKES you sunburn very easily) and to apply a metronydizole
ointment 2 times daily. I stopped all that totally June 1 and started taking CS
and putting it on my face. Some days I am better, some not...but one thing I 
is that I am NOT worse and I am almost a month free from that prescription
horror. After all that long explanation, here is my question: I think one of you
here said something about CS not lasting on skin long, and should be mixed with
aloe vera? Am I correct? And if this is so, how do I go about this? What I do 
is I take probably a tablespoon or more of CS internally each day, and several
times a day I spray it on my face. Would mixing pure aloe in with the CS in the
sprayer work? And I assume we would be talking about the aloe vera gel, not the
liquid? Any advice would be greatly appreciated....reply to the list or me

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