Hi Ivan,
Thank you for your post. I am going to try some different distilled waters to 
see how they work.
It's hard for me to say if my solution has turbidity - but maybe it does - it 
definitely is not completely clear, I guess it is a tiny bit cloudy. So I 
gather it would be better for it to be clear and yet have a good thick laser 
pointer beam - so I"ll try some different waters for that. Could it not have 
been working because the particles are too big? Does it need to be totally 
clear? I thought it was slightly goldish, but maybe it is just cloudiness 
that I was mistaking for gold. It's hard to tell without a reference.
I bought a laser pointer and it definitely makes a strong beam through the 
solution. I tried it on a diluted version of the 500ppm that I bought at the 
store and it seems as if the more CS there is in the water the broader the 
beam is. Is that true? Is that how you tell how concentrated it is? It is 
harder to see the laser on the storebought - I don't know if that is because 
of its deep gold color or would it be because the particles are smaller.

I am having much better luck using the storebought nasal spray -- I got 
something called silver aloe nasal spray by Innovative Natural Products and 
it is definitely beginning to have an effect on the infection. My only 
concern is that it is 200ppm and although it is mixed with aloe and some 
water I don't know how much I'm getting and how to know if I am doing too 
Is it possible to do too much?
And what do you think of these extremely concentrated solutions? They say 
they are .001 microns -- can I just dilute them to make them less powerful?
And can I just keep sniffing the nasal spry whenever I feel like it? Or 
should I only do it a couple of times a day? I definitely don't mind doing a 
dropperful - I aalready do saline nasal rinses so my nose doesn't mind funny 
stuff that helps to clean it!
Anyhow, thanks so much for your very useful information.
Take care,

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