Of course, I would use CS internally and topically for Shingles.  (I
would also zap with a zapper.)

I took the liberty of attaching a post by Brooks and another paragraph
about lysine.






Lysine has a suppressant affect on both types of Herpes Simplex (Type 1
& Type 2). It also is effective with Herpes Zoster (Shingles), canker
sores, measles and chicken pox, which are viral cousins.


In addition to taking 1,000 mg, 3xday of Lysine, it is essential to
avoid the foods that contain the amino acid that promotes the Herpes
virus and its cousins, which is called Arginine.


The two foods with the highest levels of Arginine are chocolate and
peanuts, followed by the rest of the nuts, then beans, seeds and grains.
Until the Herpes sores are gone, one should avoid these food items. In
an especially virulent case of Herpes, as much as 10,000 mg of lysine
may be needed to conquer it.


The foods that are highest in Lysine are meats (including eggs and
fish), dairy products and nutritional (brewers) yeast. Fruits and
vegetables contain almost no amino acids, so are safe to eat.


Colloidal Silver in generous quantities is also effective against the
Herpes virus.


Info from:

Herpes Can be Prevented, by Nicholas Sampsidis, M.S.

Published by Advances in Preventive Health,

Sunflower Publishing Co., Glen Head, NY


>From the SilverList:


> I got a cold sore on my lip three days ago. I've been putting CS 

> and DMSO on it few time a day for three days and... nothing, still 

> swollen like I got hit by a heavy weight boxer. I must admit that 

> the itching symptoms were not there since I started the application 

> but it's still not going away...?


Dear List Member,


The clear blisters occurring on the lips are, nearly always, herpes

a virus that has demonstrated to be susceptible to Colloidal Silver.

as some outbreaks present a "streaming effect" on occasion, the driving

insult may continue to produce a constant replenishment of the
challenging materials.  

There are several protocols which might offer a rapid favorable


However, we have found that the inclusion of Lysine becomes the key

One such protocol involves nothing more than obtaining Lysine
salve/ointment from 

your local pharmacy and applying it, liberally, over the entire lip

especially the point of presentation.  


Additionally, for quick systemic support, ingesting 1000 mg of lysine

twice daily has effected quite rapid response, in those experimental

where it was employed.  


As a general condition, lysine ointment alone has given (at least for

in our experimental researches) very acceptable address to conditions

as you outline.


Sincerely, B. B.