Dogs can be corrected without being hit.  I refer you to: "Cesar's Way" by
Cesar Millan, If you truly want to train a dog the right way, this is
REQUIRED don't have to yell at them either...

On 5/31/07, CWFugitt <> wrote:

Evening Jodi,

>>At 02:12 PM 5/31/2007, you wrote:

>Reading those words made me feel nauseous.  I can only hope and
>pray,  that no dog or animal of any kind, has the misfortune of coming to
>you  for help or a home.

   You are dead wrong my friend.  Most are well treated, loved, and

Every dog that I correct in this fashion,

    I am saving his life.

There are service dogs, police dogs, war dogs, and working dogs.
For many of these animals, one bad habit makes them worthless.
Just like people.

I work with  "REAL DOGS", none of those worthless critters that sit in
lap and the owner is a servant to the dogs.

I will write a full report of "Real Dogs" and make a web page,
then post the link.

If you can't stand to punish and correct,  you should neither own a dog or
have a child.    Enough Said !

How many lives would be saved by applying my ideas and philosophy to the
children of today?

Look at the kids that shoot others?   They should have been treated the
I treat a dog that has become worthless due to ONE BAD habit.  One good
baseball bat on the head is often enough to get the job done.

Example.  One dog had a bad habit. I corrected him once.
In his whole life, 10 years plus, he never did it again.  I made that dog
valuable, very valuable, with one correction at the right place and the
right time.

I am sorry, but  Logic is on MY SIDE !

Some people are too soft hearted to do any serious training of
anything.  I
have a grand daughter that way.  He is going to a horse college now.  She
owns a beautiful and intelligent dog.
She may become a horse trainer.  I tell her, she has to learn when to
correct and discipline.  She does love her dog.  She cannot scold or
correct him.   A terrible situation.


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