Since Lugol's is pretty expensive and here in the US we need a
prescription for it (also, H. Clark has published the formula ala recipe for
making it yourself, but the supply houses are loathe to send granular iodine
to anything except a school or somewhere else I forget) I am wondering if
anyone knows for sure about using Povidone instead.  This looks like a good
idea, but if 'someone out there' knows FOR SURE if this is safe, please let
me-us know.  Also, how does it compare-drop per drop- with the Lugol's?   I
don't think it will really make much difference since I read that 60 drops
of Lugol's was once considered a single dose.  So maybe dosage levels are
not so critical.  I sure don't intend to use that much at once.  But I like
to know anyway.  And since allergy can develop to anything at any time, I
only check once for that.     Anyway, Povidone is really cheap, available
even at Walgreen's  and looks like a good bet.  The bottle says it is 10%
povidone iodine that is titratable to 1% iodine.  Hope I got that right as I
have no idea what it means in this situation.  It says not to take it
internally, but that may not really be needful.   Someone on this list is
sure to know and the input will be much appreciated.   tia   pj