Puritan Pride says folic acid limit is 1000 mcg per day. Dr Clark says to 
reduce uric acid levels to 2 to 4 need 25 to 35 mg folic acid. My uric acid 
has always ran high and I take alopurinol to keep it down. Mexican Dr said to 
get off of alopurinol as it hurts the liver. Is it safe to take 25 mg folic 
acid per day?
I am also trying to stop taking Prilosec. I take 15 drops of 5% Hcl with each 
meal. Dr Mercola says to take Tagamet 2 per day for 2 months as heartburn 
returns as soon as I stopped Prilosec. Does the Hcl and Tagamet counteract? I 
at the 3 weeks of no Prilosec and currently am taking both.

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