Thanks a lot for all the info Wayne, but I think that all the healthy stuff
on your site would probably cause a traffic jam for weeks <<lol>> seriously,
I will take on board what you've said.  Dee  


<The calender of the Theocracy of Muntab counts down, not up. No-one knows
why, but it might not be a good idea to hang around and find out.> 

-- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters) 



-------Original Message------- 


From: CWFugitt 

Date: 18/06/2007 20:53:08 


Subject: CS>Digestion System 


Evening Dee, 


>> At 03:27 AM 6/18/2007, you wrote: 

>Most doctors advocate high fibre/fruit diets etc., 

>> this has the dead opposite effect on. The more fruit/fibre/nuts 

I >> eat, the more constipated I become. 


Often the doctors should tell more. More options, more possibilities, 

And methods that might help. I guess you know, it is against the law for 

Them to recommend any treatment that is not AMA approved. Bad News ! ( 

That is AMA Law ) 


>> They make me horribly thirsty. Just wondered if you (or anyone else) 

Had heard of these phenomena. 


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