When I bought my CS generator the old man I got it off, Peter Brooks in 
South Perth, Australia, gave us a demo on various aspects of CS making and 
also tested a variety of water I brought in; one from the local (very good) 
country water supply, one from my RO unit, and also a sample of distilled 
water.  He tested it with a TDS meter (total dissolved solids).  I came 
across the results the other day, but can't just remember where I put them. 
Anyway, the results were that the RO water was not ideal by a long shot.

(I found it: PPMDS - parts per million dissolved solids, I suppose - Reverse 
Osmosis 122, Collie Harris River Dam water: 234)

If you had nothing else at all in an emergency, and used RO water anyway, it 
would probably get you through the night, but don't buy an RO unit 
specifically for your CS making.  Get the RO for your drinking water.  Some 
complain that it takes out all the minerals, but hey, you can put those back 
in, but you don't want the fluoride and other chemicals and germs and 
possibly other nasties in your water, do you?

I currently use a Purani RO system and run the "waste" water into the garden 
into a clay dish, from where it spills over into the garden soil.

One thing I have found over the past - oo, must be fifteen or more years 
now - is that using RO water is extremely kind on kettles.  They stay new 
looking for years.  And years.


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