Gail wrote:
>>As far as the word doctor being unpopular here, each will have to speak for 
I do agree. 
A tiddy bitty frustrated for not being a doc. myself (my ol’ man was convinced 
I did not have the brains – just one of his great errors in my formation), I 
remained very interested in what happens in the medical field all of my life. 
I see a lot of fools around, with their doctor’s license in their pocket. Man 
they don’t even have common sense. (Which is a field quite far from 
intelligence) And lack of common sense astonishes me.
Of course our Forum is for many like a last refuge, for others a possibility of 
releasing their anger, frustration or fear of taking the road of freedom – i.e. 
deciding for themselves.
Anyway I want to warn against a witch–hunt of doctors. For quite a few of them 
are good buddies. At least they mean well. If they took the profession for the 
money involved, they made an awfully wrong mistake. If they can listen only to 
their formation they will always be limited. If they study their doctor’s 
journals at all, then maybe they are at least conscious of developments in 
their field. And the list of if’s can be prolonged at will.
Yet: There still are medics who get up at three in the morning and go, at a 
call for a difficult birth or a broken leg – or who after their work share 
their time with the poor – or who don’t charge to those who don’t have anyway.
Doctor unpopular? By right yes! I cannot wipe the post from my mind, where it 
was mentioned that several widows would still have had their husbands .. if the 
doctors had been honest and had done the right things. But that does not mean 
that all of them are like that. So let’s scrutinize well the one we’re with, 
and then confide in him/her or add him/her to the stake.
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