Pretty cool...

How about silver mesh?...

Dan wrote:
Very interesting.
Can you tell me is there a side effect by breathing in copper?
Why does he put it on top of his head?


-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Marshall Dudley <>

        The copper mesh is fully integrated into the mouth of the mask.
        The use of copper as a filter for breathing can alleviate
        illness from airborne pathogens by eliminating or diminishing in
        strength and form these harmful pathogens. By breathing through
        the mask made of copper many important facts happen: The person
        who breaths through it inhales energy by inhaling this energy
        the lungs will clear of any bacteria. The mask will eliminate
        any type of breathing problems, asthma and reinforce the lungs
        to the smallest capillaries, including any type of Influenza,
        Birth flu, T.B, and may help people with AIDS to gain strength
        to fight this sickness. The blood loaded with energy will help
        to fix any internal organs and in the process will burn fat
        cells in the process of fixing and reinforcing the muscles in
        the different parts of the body. Breathing through the mask can
        help eliminate children obesity. I have been testing this mask
        with hundreds of people in the last 10 years and have had
        excellent results for what I just mentioned above. People who
        have been using it eliminated their asthma problems, lost weight
        and didn't get sick for years from any type of Influenza. /
        Additional Notes taken from the video - Carlos is now 70 years
        old, stronger than he was when he was 30. Copper eliminates any
        type of mental sickness, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, strokes, Avian
        Flu, Tuberculosis and gives vitality to the whole system. Just
        breathing the copper will produce the results. 10 years ago he
        was dying. Would fall asleep when he drove. When he placed
        copper on his head (looks like copper chore girl scubber
        stretched out to make a mesh net) and he felt good. Made a mask
        and slept while breathing through it. Carlos says he no longer
        needs glasses, can see like an eagle now. For 4 years now he
        hasn't gotten sick. Doctor told him he would die 4 years ago and
        he is alive and healthy thanks to breathing copper. Where to buy
        <> / As you can see, this is
        eminently easy to do for yourself. Any grocery store of decent
        size will have these COPPER CHOREBOYS and your hardware store
        should be able to custom order copper mesh if they don't have it
        in stock. Or you can buy on the internet. He makes a lot of
        claims for this and it doesn't appear it would do any harm to
        try it out.

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