Hi all..Just a question about the voltage used to make CS. I have made about 1 
gallon of CS at 15ppm. Is 15ppm OK? Half with 2 batteries and half with 3 
batteries and I can tell no difference between the batches. I finally got my 30 
volt transformer that I am also going to be using but I am going to use diodes 
to reduce the milliamps down to around 1.5 or .5milliamps. My question is 
this..If the milliamps are so low then why do they recommend 27 to 31vdc? I can 
get the same milliamps using a 6volt 300milliamp transformer as I can with the 
30volt 1000milliamp transformer. What am I missing with the voltage issue? 
Everyone has different voltages they like. 
Also using two batteries I still have to stir the CS to keep it clear which is 
not a problem and I also found that if I heat the water to 42 degrees Celsius 
it doesn't take as long to get 15ppm, so does anyone else heat the water?  

Also will CS help a person with irritable bowel problems? 

Now that I switched from Incredimail to Outlook Express my posts might go thru 
and I thank everyone for their help that they have given me...Cheers..Keithmj