Last wk I was directed to a website from this list reporting a healing of a
child by people spending 20 min each with the child speaking to him of love
and all good things. It said after 20 min your own energy gets drained so to
take turns.

It will help if we all pray for him too. What is his name?
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Faith Saint Francis []
  Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:56 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>Brain Injuries - sit by his side and talk to him in a soft

  Hello Frankie!
  Our sentiments are with you, and our prayers as well.

  Whether your boy is conscious or not:
  Just sit by him, in ear-shot, and talk to him - in a very low voice, but
  Tell him that you love him, that you care, and that everything will be all
right. If possible hold his hand, loosely!
  Do so repeatedly, and ask his mother and brothers and sisters to do the

  Say relevant things to him, rational things, spontaneously.

  Do for alimited space of time, but do repeatedly.

  Hope to serve you some,

  > From:
  > To:
  > Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:45:23 +0000
  > Subject: CS>Brain Injuries
  > Does anyone here know of a treatment for brain injuries? My 21 year old
  > was involved in a terrible accident in the early hours of Saturday
  > and has had two operations and is in a coma, on life support. I don't
  > whether to pray for his death or his life because I don't know the
  > of life expected - nobody knows. If anyone has any information, please
  > share it. Thank you.
  > Frankie
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