I do not believe they removed the brain, but cut out a large part of the 
cranium to allow room for the brain swelling. Saw that in a recent interview 
with him.

ch...@tx.rr.com wrote:
              Hi, Frankie,
  An Anchor with ABC news was hit by a roadside bomb some months ago and 
received a brain injury.  One of the key things that saved him was removing the 
brain from inside the head.  Since the brain needs room to swell, if it doesn't 
get it, then there will be permanent brain injury.  I too will pray for your 
son and family. 
  God Bless,
  p.s. You might want to print pertinent pages to give to your son's doctor.  
One comment his wife said was that if he had received an injury like this in 
the US the doctors here wouldn't have known how to treat this (by removing the 
brain to give it room to swell).


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