Many times, when cats are frequently regurgitating their food....
the principal cause is a hairball. We have encountered this many times over the past 20 years----with dozens of cats. If such is, in truth, the case....just obtain any good hairball gelatin (Walmart, or almost any large Box store carries such products). Just smear about 1/2 teaspoon on the top of each of their front feet.....they will lick it off quite readily. Results are, usually, observable within 24 hours....via a hair mass.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>cat problems

Date : Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:11:52 -0500 (CDT)

From : Acmeair <>

To :

since our archives are still down, i'll ask for some hep, from the cat "people" on this list.

my friend, has a cat that she inherited, along with another that didn't make it. both cats had bad worm infections, round worms, i think. this lady has had this last cat on CS for almost a year, and the cat appears robust, except, now she is throwing up her meals. and consequently losing weight.

she has been going to a vet, that is into alternate stuff, but she is at a loss for ideas. somehow the idea of a nasal area tumor has come up.

any ideas from those of you that have had some esperience?

thanks, peeps,,, jim


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